Justin & Jessica Countryman - Directors
Many of you already know Jessica and I from our previous involvement with Four Winds. We have served under mom and dad for quite a few years, and have gleaned much from their faithfulness in the midst of their ministry over these last 50 years!
We would like to tell you a little bit about ourselves: Justin is an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Lee University in Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis in Church Administration. He also has a Master’s Degree in Practical Theology from Regent University. He has served on the North Central Region Youth and Discipleship Board as well as on the North Central Region Regional Council. Justin has been involved in full-time ministry for 18 years, being a pastor for 11 of those eighteen years. He has a heart to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread beyond the four walls of the church to meet real people in real situations, regardless of looks, ideals, or circumstances. Jessica left her government job in Virginia in 2012 to move to Lame Deer, Montana to care for foster children. She has been involved in full time ministry for 12 years. She has successfully fed, nurtured, and cared for over 30 children day in and day out. She has served on the North Central Region Ladies Ministries Board, has started numerous successful outreach ministries to women and mothers, currently directs MomCo (a ministry geared towards moms), leads the Youth at Bozeman Church of God, and handles all the day-in/day-out responsibilities for both Four Winds Ministry Center and Bozeman Church of God. She homeschools Connor and does all of the above with a newborn! She is the gear that makes everything work for successful ministry. Justin currently works as a 911 Dispatcher for Sweet Grass County Sheriff’s Office, and both Justin and Jessica pastor the Bozeman Church of God in Bozeman, MT (a round trip distance of 154 miles from Four Winds). |
Both Jessica and Justin have lived and served at Four Winds. Justin was saved at Four Winds Ministry Center, and they met at Four Winds. Even though they have gone through many varied ministry jobs, positions, and appointments, they feel like all of that was preparation for where they sit now - right on the precipice of taking over a ministry that has done so much for and means so much to them.
We long to provide a place of serenity and healing to pastors facing burn out, which we will describe in detail in an upcoming newsletter. We long to continue food programs to the reservations, as well as gearing back up into multiple youth camps throughout the summer. We have dreams to get Four Winds to the point where we can provide a place for retreats, trainings, events, seminars, etc. all throughout the year. Big dreams, God-sized dreams, takes lots of partners. We want to thank you for your loyal support of Four Winds for all these years, and we humbly ask for your continued support as Four Winds moves into the future. |
Laurie Parrent - Bookkeeper

Laurie has been a family friend for decades and is now the Bookkeeper at Four Winds. She has a heart for Native American children and is a licensed foster parent herself. She is self-employed and stays busy being a mama to three beautiful Native American children. She is also expecting a new baby in 2025!
Ron & Kathy Countryman

Ron and Kathy Countryman were married in November of 1968. They both had a great love and burden for Native American people and believed that somewhere in their future God had a plan for their lives to work and minister among this indigenous people group.
In 1975, the Countrymans sold their home and small horse farm in northern Illinois and moved to Montana to follow the Lord's call to minister to the Native Americans. Ron became an Ordained Bishop in 1984 (Church of God, Cleveland, TN affiliated). In the course of 23 years the Countrymans have successfully pastored three churches within the state of Montana and for the last 33 years have lived in the small ranching community of Big Timber. In 2001, with funding from their denomination, Ron and Kathy were able to purchase 24 acres near Big Timber, which is now known as the "Four Winds Ministry Center."
Ron Countryman began his ministry in 1977 while working on a large cattle ranch in northwestern Montana between the Flathead and Blackfeet Reservations. He has served on the Montana/Wyoming Youth board, North Central Regional Council, and as District Overseer. He was awarded the District Overseer of the Year award in 1988, 1989, and again in 1990. Ron served as advisor to the Big Timber Youth Rodeo Assn. and served on the board for Big Brothers, Big Sisters at the time of its inception in Sweet Grass County. Ron was a twenty-two year veteran of the Sweet Grass County Sheriff's Department and he served as a reserve deputy and the Chaplain for that department. He retired in February 2020. Ron is a member of the Church of God Chaplains Commission and the International Conference of Police Chaplains. Ron served 14 months as a Chaplain for the Billings Police Department prior to this. He is director of the Montana Native American Ministries and Four Winds Ministry Center. He has served as a Chaplain for 19 years.
Kathy Countryman has served on the Ladies Ministries board for the North Central Region. She is a teacher/speaker and has been called on to minister at training sessions at Four Winds and at Ladies Retreats and Seminars around the state, predominantly to Native American ladies. She served as a substitute teacher at Sweet Grass County High School and was also in charge of the School to Work and Adult Education programs. Kathy also serves as the Assistant Director of the Four Winds Ministry Center.
In September of 2008, Ron and Kathy received one of the greatest and most infrequent honors bestowed on a non-Native couple. At a special service on the Crow Reservation, the Turnsplenty family adopted Ron and Kathy into their family and into the Crow Indian Nation.
After 50 years of ministry, Ron and Kathy retired in January 2025.
In 1975, the Countrymans sold their home and small horse farm in northern Illinois and moved to Montana to follow the Lord's call to minister to the Native Americans. Ron became an Ordained Bishop in 1984 (Church of God, Cleveland, TN affiliated). In the course of 23 years the Countrymans have successfully pastored three churches within the state of Montana and for the last 33 years have lived in the small ranching community of Big Timber. In 2001, with funding from their denomination, Ron and Kathy were able to purchase 24 acres near Big Timber, which is now known as the "Four Winds Ministry Center."
Ron Countryman began his ministry in 1977 while working on a large cattle ranch in northwestern Montana between the Flathead and Blackfeet Reservations. He has served on the Montana/Wyoming Youth board, North Central Regional Council, and as District Overseer. He was awarded the District Overseer of the Year award in 1988, 1989, and again in 1990. Ron served as advisor to the Big Timber Youth Rodeo Assn. and served on the board for Big Brothers, Big Sisters at the time of its inception in Sweet Grass County. Ron was a twenty-two year veteran of the Sweet Grass County Sheriff's Department and he served as a reserve deputy and the Chaplain for that department. He retired in February 2020. Ron is a member of the Church of God Chaplains Commission and the International Conference of Police Chaplains. Ron served 14 months as a Chaplain for the Billings Police Department prior to this. He is director of the Montana Native American Ministries and Four Winds Ministry Center. He has served as a Chaplain for 19 years.
Kathy Countryman has served on the Ladies Ministries board for the North Central Region. She is a teacher/speaker and has been called on to minister at training sessions at Four Winds and at Ladies Retreats and Seminars around the state, predominantly to Native American ladies. She served as a substitute teacher at Sweet Grass County High School and was also in charge of the School to Work and Adult Education programs. Kathy also serves as the Assistant Director of the Four Winds Ministry Center.
In September of 2008, Ron and Kathy received one of the greatest and most infrequent honors bestowed on a non-Native couple. At a special service on the Crow Reservation, the Turnsplenty family adopted Ron and Kathy into their family and into the Crow Indian Nation.
After 50 years of ministry, Ron and Kathy retired in January 2025.